If you are in the process of redecorating or refurnishing a bedroom, you might consider checking out the styles available for bookcase headboards. A headboard for a bed can come in many different styles including the type that has compartments, which can be used for storage. The style, which is referred to as a bookcase design, comes with built in shelves so you can place items you use within easy reach of your bed. These headboards are often constructed from wood and come in sizes to accommodate most standard sizes of bed frames.
The style of the single headboard Might be used in combination with a platform style type of frame. The bed frame designed as a platform comes with drawers built into the wood portion of the frame along the sides to provide extra space for storing items. This is handy for use in a childs or teens room where they may have a lot of extra clothing or blanket items that could be stored. The added bookcase on the headpiece also allows them to display stuffed animals or other knick-knack type items. This particular style is also available as a full and king headboard design.
Metal King Headboards
You may also see some variations on this headboard style by the use of different materials. There are some, which are constructed of molded plastic, and some that may incorporate various metals in the design. The modern styles of metal headboards often include shelves or storage compartments in the design of the piece. These compartments may even be large enough to accommodate a small size table lamp. The contemporary pieces may include styles in chrome, which is a popular choice for today's modern furnishings. The bed frames may have additional furniture items available in the same design as the style of the headboard.
When purchasing a headboard you will find them sold along with a standard bed frame or as separate items. If you have a bed you already are comfortable with, but would like a new look for the headpiece, you can purchase the head unit as a single item and attach it to your existing frame. Using the type that comes with shelves and compartments will not only give you extra storage space, but may cut down on some extra furniture items taking up space in your room. Whatever the décor is for your bedroom area you are sure to find a quality piece to fit with it.